Error received when entering my address
Common address-related errors
If you received an error when entering your address, follow these steps to verify your address and successfully place your order.
Note: If you have a Dutchie account, log in to autofill your information (including your address).
- Don't forget to click "save" after entering your address. Failing to save your information may result in an error code banner at the top of the page, and a red box around the address section, including a red error message inside the address box.
- If your address is outside a dispensary's delivery area, you will receive an error message inside the address field. Call the dispensary for more details.
- If your address is not registered on Google as a residence, you may be prompted to confirm that your address is a residence. Click "Yes" if the address provided is a residence to proceed with your order. The dispensary may contact you if they have any issues delivering your order.
- If your address does not appear in the Google drop-down menu as an option, or if after selecting your address it populates with a slightly different option that does not match your address, you may need to report the address as missing on Google. Here is an article that explains how and where to do that.