Sign up for Pay by Bank, powered by Plaid
As a dispensary customer, you can use Pay by Bank to pay for your order from a linked bank account.
To sign up for Pay by Bank:
- Sign in to
- Click My account (desktop site) or the avatar (mobile site).
- Select Bank Account.
- Click Sign Up.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to link your checking or savings account via Plaid. Note that not all financial institutions are supported. If your bank is not listed, or if you see the error message, “DutchiePay account is temporarily blocked. Please have customer contact Dutchie Support. F093,” it is not supported.
You can also sign up for Pay by Bank when placing an order:
- At checkout, if the dispensary accepts Pay by Bank, you can select Pay with Pay by Bank.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to link your checking or savings account via Plaid. Note that not all financial institutions are supported. If your bank is not listed, or if you see the error message, “DutchiePay account is temporarily blocked. Please have customer contact Dutchie Support. F093,” it is not supported.